Important information about coronavirus (COVID-19):

Baltic Control® continues to support the Danish Government, Danish Health Authority and WHO (World Health Organization) guidances and efforts to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19).

We continue to stay operational worldwide, and continue to take all necessary precautions to protect both our clients and our staff. From time to time our office staff work from home during local COVID-19 outbreaks, phones are redirected to mobile phones and business continues therefore as usual: we are 100% available on mail and phones, thus continue the work of servicing our clients worldwide.

Inspections and audits, on the other hand, must necessarily take place in companies, on sites and in the herds in question. In order to protect both clients and staff against COVID-19 virus we urge EVERYBODY to follow these simple advices from WHO:

  • Regularly and thoroughly clean your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or wash them with soap and water

  • Avoid physical contact! Maintain a distance of min. 2 meters to others

  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth

  • Practice respiratory hygiene meaning cover your nose and mouth when coughing and sneezing with either your sleeve or a paper tissue (and safely dispose the tissue immediately after)

  • Stay at home if you begin to feel unwell, even with mild symptoms such as headache and slight runny nose, until you recover

Source: WHO

Baltic Control® has set the following restrictions and precautionary measures for inspections and audits:


  • If a person present during an inspection/audit is infected with or has symptoms of COVID-19, the inspection/audit cannot take place. A new date for the inspection/audit will be arranged as soon as possible.
  • If a person, planned to be present during an inspection/audit, has had physical contact with a person infected with or suspected of having the COVID-19, we strongly recommend that all persons present during the inspection/audit wear face masks and keep a minimum distance of 2 meters.
  • We encourage that any infected person or persons showing symptoms of COVID-19 are sent to quarantine until a negative test result is available. If this action is not taken, the person responsible for the farm/herd, site or company is urged to contact the Baltic Control® auditor/inspector or the Baltic Control® office as soon as possible and state if this person will be present during the audit. We will set a new inspection/audit date if there is a need to postpone scheduled inspections/audits based on the risk of coronavirus.

In addition to the above, the same of course also applies if the inspector/auditor needs to be quarantined or has been in physical contact with infected persons.


  • Baltic Control® inspectors/auditors might not shake hands and there will be general high attention to hygiene. Wearing a face mask is an option and will be agreed upon between the inspector/auditor and the client either beforehand or on site.  
  • During local breakouts of COVID-19, we will try to carry out inspections/audits with as little physical contact as possible. Therefore, there may be parts of the inspection/audit that will take place using online tools like Skype/FaceTime/ mobile cameras, etc. We also ask for a minimum distance of 2 meters between the persons participating in the inspection/audit. 

Baltic Control® continues to follow all COVID-19 related developments and will inform our clients directly in case changes might affect you and the service we provide for you. Please always feel free to contact your usual Baltic Control® contact person if you have any specific questions. We are also available at the following e-mail:

We hope for your understanding that inspections/audits can be a little different than under normal circumstances. However, we will do everything we can to service you and your TIC needs while we all prevent the spreading of the COVID-19 virus.  

Updated information on coronavirus can be found on the Danish Health Authority website: click here

Link to WHO website with updated information: Click here

Link to TIC Council concerning COVID-19: Click here

These guidelines will be updated on an ongoing basis in accordance with the guidelines of the national health authorities and WHO.

Latest update: 23. September 2021

To download the Baltic Control COVID-19 information as pdf please click here


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